How Marketing KPIs are Revolutionizing Brand and Top-Funnel Investments

For years, marketing and business leaders have grappled with the challenge of measuring brand impact and top-funnel effectiveness. Historically, these investments—while crucial for long-term growth—often felt intangible, difficult to tie directly to business outcomes. But the game is changing: today, with the emergence of Marketing KPIs like Share of Search (SoS), marketers have a clear, data-driven path to gauge and optimize top-funnel impact with a new level of precision.

Share of Search, a metric showing direct consumer interest, has become a key indicator for both brand presence and future market share, giving marketers a leading-edge KPI to optimize brand visibility and drive mental availability. This insight isn’t just beneficial for brand campaigns; it’s valuable for business strategy, too. By correlating search interest with sales data, leaders can gain a fuller view of how top-funnel activities influence the consumer journey and ultimately drive demand.

What makes these KPIs especially powerful is the ability to spot and respond to emerging trends in real time. Unlike traditional metrics that could only hint at brand awareness, SoS delivers a predictive view, allowing marketers to adjust investments quickly and focus efforts where demand is growing. This means that brand-building is no longer a “wait and see” game; it’s now a dynamic, responsive strategy directly connected to business outcomes.

As brands like Fanta use these insights to adjust and enhance their campaigns, marketing is no longer just a creative discipline—it’s becoming an indispensable driver of growth. For CMOs, brand managers, and business leaders alike, KPIs like Share of Search are more than just metrics—they’re strategic tools that ensure marketing investments work harder, smarter, and faster to deliver results across the entire funnel.

/Kristofer Dalin, MyTelescope


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