Women's Football the Biggest Interest Driver for Sweden in 2023

MyTelescope's survey of how Sweden is perceived globally shows that women's football and the Eurovision Song Contest have been the biggest drivers of interest in Sweden. Despite its significant impact, incidents of Quran burning have not significantly harmed Sweden's image from a global perspective.

Interest in Sweden reached a new peak in August during the
FIFA Women's World Cup Australia & New Zealand 2023™ .

At the bottom of MyTelescope's analysis are the Quran burnings. Despite increased interest in the topic, it is only 15% the size of the interest in Sweden's Eurovision contribution.

"It has been a year filled with negative news, such as Quran burnings and shootings, so we wanted to see what the world actually associates with Sweden. The results were based on MyTelescope's index, which shows what people are actually searching for and interested in, giving us a somewhat more uplifting picture," says
Carl Klevbo, Lead Analyst, MyTelescope.

"It's exciting to see the increased interest. Throughout the year, we have seen how major events like the Swedish ladies football team and Eurovision contribute to a positive image of Sweden. We are already witnessing an increase in traffic to our websites and are eagerly awaiting guest statistics for the upcoming periods," says @Louise Blomberg, Analyst,
Visit Sweden.

About the analysis: The analysis is based on global search data conducted in the languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, and French over the past 12 months."

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